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Point of Sale Systems & Smart Terminals

This is the short list, I have many other systems to choose from.
In Today's market you have many choices but which one is right for your business?
Cloud Based,Software based, Wireless, Tablets, Terminal p.o.s..
Options: what does your business really need now & for future growth?
Inventory, employee scheduling, Payroll calculations & company integration, table layout, ticket splitting, delivery, inclusive tax, direct connect to email gift card & loyalty programs, and the list goes on.
Commerce Solutions has the answer. Let my Point of Sale Channel team of experts help, with over 30 years of experience they have most of the answers and have seen just about every business system situation to give you the best advice for your current & future system options.
Plus the consultation is FREE, we just need some basic information to best serve you.
Give us a call today: 888-496-7249, Business Hours: 8am to 5pm Pacific Time Zone